• sherlock

    Engelska bruda?

    Hello girls! May I join you even if I am already married? havent been to this site in a long time but it would be nice to speak to some other swenglish couples.

    I am Swedish but married my Scottish hub this summer in Solna. We live outside London but are planning on moving to Stockholm next spring-summer.

  • sherlock


    My mum lives in Solna, or Råsunda to be precise. We always stay with her when we visit sweden and my husband would love a flat in Solna, particularly in the new Filmstaden area - gorgeous old style new flats and a little squeare with cafes etc.

    I like shopping in solna centrum, a bit sad perhaps but it is just big enough for me.

  • sherlock

    future mrs B

    Hello! We live in Watford north west of London. How about you?

    have I met you before in MonicaS old thread for swingish brides? Looked for her thread a while ago but couldnt find it.

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