• Miss Em

    Engelska bruda?

    Hia everyone,

    This is maybe not the thread for me as I am already married (to a Scott). We had a swenglish wedding in Sweden this summer and we normally live in Edinburgh.

    As we have already been through all the arguments (with eachother) as to weather a wedding cake should be fruit or not, how to go in to the church, songs during the dinner, hymns to suit everyone, how wedding photos are taken and if snaps is legitimate drink with the starter instead of wine etc etc
    .......so thought that I could maybe still be of some use.

    Ours wedding worked out magical in the end and the mix of the cultures worked fantastic.But it was a long road to get there

    Two so similar countries with so different traditions *phew*.

  • Miss Em


    That cake!!
    So different ways of doing things.
    I went through the effort of getting something like an english cake. paid a "premium" price compared to sweden to have a cake made by an american girl with frosting.
    And what happened...the venue separated the tiers before anyone got to see it and threw out the remian as they thought its been out too long. As we all know, it keeps quite well underneath the icing.

    but nevermind.....by that point the snaps had worked its magic on the gusts who proably couldn't care less

  • Miss Em


    If we didn't have to go over to Sweden so early we would probably have gotten some fruit- and spongecake from M&S and decorated ourselves.
    It seemed like a good compromise until we realised that the sponge only kept for 5 days and we flew over 8 days before the wedding and so did many of the british guests

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