• Hanban

    Engelska bruda?

    Hi gals!
    We are an English couple, though marrying in Stockholm! I used to live there!

  • Hanban

    Hi NuÄrDetDags

    Yep, we are both English. I lived in Sthlm for 8 years or so though, parents are still out there....

  • Hanban

    Yep, also coz love it in Sweden and will be nice for our English friends and family to visit, not just for the wedding, but a city break for them.
    Are you English too? Where are you living?

  • Hanban

    I am in Leeds now, though would love to move back to Sthlm, really miss it!
    We are marrying 11th Aug 07, Sthlm.

    Terri - do you like sweden? what do you do there? How did you meet your swedish man?

  • Hanban

    Terri - I knew quite a few Brits over there- you should try Tudor Arms - they used to hang out there a fair bit! I know someone from Karolinska, he is Australian. May I ask how old you are? Can maybe put you in touch with some brits!
    Havent got my dress yet - was actually in Sthlm last week looking though, think I have found one! Have you got yours?

  • Hanban

    Hehe, yep, can understand that. But I found out in Sthlm, that sometimes you have to do these things to meet other Brits! Can be lonley there! My best mate/bridesmaid is 29 and lives in Sthlm, she doesnt know so many brits at the mo either, most of us moved away a few years back.
    Lovely dress by the way!! Cant wait to get mine!

  • Hanban

    Hi all
    just been reading your messages about cakes....we are keen on having a P.torte for one layer, fruit on another and choc on the last one. Where are you all getting your cakes from? Any advice? Thanks!

  • Hanban

    Thanks girls!
    Just read that no snow at xmas for Sweden, gutted! H2B and I are going to Sthlm for Jul and we wanted a white one!

  • Hanban

    we are marrying in the English Church in Sthlm and its costing us 9000 kr!! oh my!!

  • Hanban

    HI Nattson
    I live in Leeds in the UK and most bridal shops you need to have made an appointment, some can be quite snootie if you dont! Some let you browse, but you cant try on if you havent made a time with them. Hope that helps!

  • Hanban

    Thanks Terri
    Yep, tried it on when i was over in Sthlm a few weeks back and I think its the one, though I just cant decide! eeek! I have made a few more appointments this week here in Leeds, just in case there is something else out there!! What colour b.maids would you put with it? Thinking champagne at the mo. Have yu got your dress yet? when do you marry?

  • Hanban

    oh wow, your dress is really lovely. That is similar to some styles i have also tried on and liked. Very nice.

    Yep, maybe champagne too close, though we would try and pick a darker shade - a bit like the colour you see in the middle of the flowers on the wedding dress. Its so difficult to choose!!! My B.maids are pale skin with dark hair so also have to be careful not to wash them out with colours etc.
    We marry 11th Aug next year and still loads to do!

  • Hanban

    Yep, would love to get my dress sorted before the new year and can then focus on other things! would be one less worry for sure!
    Are you marrying in sweden? We are....in sthlm.

  • Hanban

    Bronze - now thats a good idea.......will look on net now...wil give me something to do,bored here at work today!

  • Hanban

    Thanks Nattson, I am the same...in a panic about the dresses! My chief b.maid lives in sweden, and I am in the UK. mum also lives in Sthlm, so is hard going to all these wedding shops on my own with only the shop assistants opinion etc! We were going to order b.maids dresses from ebay, but have heard a few horror stories with wrong sizes, colours etc, so we will buy from a shop now and then sell them on ebay afterwards!

  • Hanban

    Hi all

    NuÄrDetDags I have thought the same about the dress I may go for - I am sure H2B and my friends are expecting me in the traditional gown and I am a little worried about their reaction - however at the end of the day, thats half the fun of it going with something a bit unusual and its the only chance we will get to wear a dress like that, so I say go for it!!! I must keep telling myself that too! hehe!

  • Hanban

    Hi all
    Know what you mean Terri, I lived in sthlm for about 8 years and didnt really have any close "girl friends" there. I made friends mostly with other brits and americans etc - guess coz we were all in the same boat - living abroad etc. Now I am back in the UK I think its just as hard to make friends as it was with the swedes.....think it takes a while to get in with a group etc.....

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