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  • NuÄrDetDags

    Engelska bruda?

    If you have nothing else to do I would really love to meet in person - and I know my h2b would be enthusiastic about meeting other English people in Sweden (still haven't asked him though ).

    Let me just check with him before I take this any further...

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Ok, he says "Can we meet somewhere where I can have a pint and a pie?"

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Sounds perfect!! Just told my h2b and he is now dancing around: chatting proper English (that b*stard! ) in an Irish pub with a proper lager and a pie - nothing more can go wrong in 2007.

    We will be finished at the embassy at about 3 pm and then we will check in at the hotel. So whenever it is good for you we can arrange to be there.

  • NuÄrDetDags

    To be there = where?!

  • NuÄrDetDags

    6 pm sounds perfect! Hopefully your h2b will join, if not, well, I will be hooked up with two English mooses....

    Don't know how to describe us... Well we are two average looking people. I am blondish, will wear a grey half long coat and a big beige bag. My h2b has short (very short, at the moment he reminds me of an English hooligan) brownish hair and a brown 'manchester' jacket.

    You definitely have to tell him about that English shop when we meet! He will go crazy!

    I don't want to put my mobile phone number on here so if you send an email to I can answer to that with the number (just in case we miss eachother or something).

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Just got told you don't call it 'manchester', you call it cord....

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Not only we, also the Germans!

    You have got mail too. It looks as if we have the same operator.

  • NuÄrDetDags

    I am not sure my phone supports that - I bought it in England and it took me a while to set it up for Swedish MMS.

  • NuÄrDetDags

    4:e Maj:
    I think it is a nice idea (am actually thinking of nicking it ). But why should the Swedes not understand the purpose of a lottery ticket?

    I could do with some input regarding engraving the wedding rings... What do you guys plan to write in your rings? 8 weeks before the wedding I finally found a ring (thx terri ) but now we are not sure about the engraving. We wanted 'Mo anam cara' (gaelic for 'my soul mate') but now as we have to decide Name - Eternally Yours - Date sounds good too....

  • NuÄrDetDags

    You guess right! As the dentist stole a lot of money (again) we decided for a smaller version which we probably will upgrade on the first anniversary... Now it looks like as it is going to be white gold (18 k) with a 0.15 ct diamond. Can't believe that is almost sorted, 8 weeks before D day!

    4:e maj:
    I think it sounds like a good idea to put a small note in the fest program, like 'please check the envelope, the winner will be drawn...' We have decided against lottery tickets as we probably will have a 'bröllopsbingo' in the fest program - though we still don't know what the winner wins, maybe a bottle of wine... Other ideas anyone?

    We will go for 'eternally yours' in the rings, don't want only name and date.

    I have a bit more time this weekend so now the fest program is prioroty 1. Can't believe it, I am getting married today in two months!!

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