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  • NuÄrDetDags

    Engelska bruda?

    How wonderful that you spent a lovely 5th anniversary!! 6 different wines sounds like headache, though.

    Despite priority 1 I started with priority 2 (the ceremony). But as that is *kind of* important too (I am writing everything, from the welcome text to our vows) I don't feel too bad about that.

    And the best thing: I am almost finished! (And I have made my h2b cry two times today, I think it is going to be an extremely wet wedding... )

  • NuÄrDetDags

    It's getting there!

    At the weekend I was quite successful: I found and ordered my ring, wrote the ceremony, made the seating arrangement, made the menu, made the wedding bingo for the fest program... phew.

    On wednesday we are visiting the photographer and meeting the caterer. Almost everything sorted! Well, no, but I am telling myself and everyone that because now people around me start getting nervous.

    And, not to forget: we finally have snow!!

  • NuÄrDetDags

    hehe, na, not yet.
    We have to go to the dentist today again. We will see how much money he leaves us with... Maybe we can only serve Korv med bröd (and that now that I spent so much time writing a first menu). )

  • NuÄrDetDags

    The same here - but the other way around.

    Haven't done much about the wedding the last weeks but with not even 8 weeks left and people around me getting nervous I thought I'd better start again. And it does actually feel good, after all work, stressful christmas and birthday guests...

  • NuÄrDetDags

    4:e Maj: That really sounds exciting!! I bet you will have a great afternoon!

    I have almost finished the fest program. Structure is ready, texts are written, just need to fine tune it here and there and then Jon has to proofread it (and then I have to proof read his changes ). And then I can start translating into Swedish and German.

    terri: To answer your question: No.

  • NuÄrDetDags

    terri: Today it is 6 weeks and 4 days! )
    Ah, and do you know what? He has finally seen my dress!! I told him that if he doesn't look at it right NOW I am going to buy a new one because I feel unsure and all that, so he did (and almost cried, perfect! ).

    Regarding wedding presents, we have from the beginning said we don't want any but that we would appreciate a contribution towards our honeymoon if someone doesn't want to come 'empty handed' (I am not that into cups, plates and toasters ).
    Two days ago, h2b's dad said 'he will do the same as at my h2b's brother wedding' which is marvellous as we happen to know that was a £500 contribution! How cool is that?!

  • NuÄrDetDags

    4:e Maj: Give me a couple of more days then I can send you our program (not proof read then, though, so will have to live with some strange structures and spellings ).

  • NuÄrDetDags

    I actually had it on. But I am sure he will be even more stunned when the rest comes on (tiara and stuff), the hair is done and he only has to wait another 15 minutes or so to say 'I do'.

    I feel so relieved as this has been bothering me a lot...

  • NuÄrDetDags

    4:e Maj: I know how that is, I was not allowed to show him the dress, he didn't want to see pictures - not even of only similar looking dresses - I was not even allowed to talk about the style!

    But as it isn't a traditional dress I was so worried as I got it that I couldn't stop thinking about if he will like it or if he will be disappointed... But now I know he does and I sleep much better!

  • NuÄrDetDags

    And finally we're getting there, getting there, getting there? (you can't hear me sing)!
    We have agreed on the two songs for the ceremony: Rod Stewart: Have I told you lately (that I love you) and Phil Collins: Groovy kind of love. They are being performed by a female singer we found (veeery nice person, great voice and not expensive at all!) and a guy playing the piano. It's going to be great!

    And the cake is designed and ordered (is going to be great, too)!

    We have met the photographer and talked about what we want and what we do not want. That was not too complicated as we want "normal" pictures. H2b is really happy that we don't take the pictures before the ceremony. I am also not allowed to sleep at home the night before?

    Now I am trying to get h2b to proof read the ceremony and I am about to finish the first version of the fest program (I haven't forgotten you, 4:e Maj, it is coming, just a bit much to do at the moment?).

    There are still so many small things to organise (unfortunately many small things = very time consuming). I still haven't got underwear (of course I have underwear, you know what I mean, no 'wedding night underwear' ), and I don't have shoes (h2b neither), or a cape, or a nice necklace and/or earrings,? The list is actually still quite long? Ah, but still 5 weeks and 3 days to go!

    So, that's from me, for the time being. How is it going for you girls?

  • NuÄrDetDags

    terri: 'Vigselakten' is the 'marriage ceremony', the procedure.

  • NuÄrDetDags

    terri: I could do with some help from an English native regarding earrings - my h2b has proven to be useless in this case?
    When you have your ears pierced, usually the earrings (at least the pin) is made of a certain metal that doesn't cause allergic reactions ? do you know what that metal is called in England?

    I am looking on English sites for earrings but I have to be careful with what I choose (otherwise my ears will probably get so infected that they fall of), but I don't know what to look for...

  • NuÄrDetDags

    terri: Thanks! I thought the metal might have a name (like 'surgical steel' or so) but then I will just look for 'nickel free'!

    Welcome back, future mrs B!

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Wow!! As we all keep our fingers crossed I am sure it will go well!!

  • NuÄrDetDags

    terri (or whatever you are called now :
    You have to log out completely first and then the new name should be there when you log in again.

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Erm, 3 weeks and 4 days...

    Today my shoes arrived, we have booked all hotel rooms and confirmed some pre-bookings. All I need to concentrate on at the moment is to finish the fest program - which is harder than it sounds because I have got in a rush project, which wants to be finished first...

    But all in all, we are doing fine!

    How are your plans proceeing?

  • NuÄrDetDags

    The shoes are ok so far, just a bit 'stiff' but I have decided to wear them when ever I am at home so that should be sorted til the wedding.

    I was looking for someone who comes to do my hair and make up but unfortunately I couldn't find anyone that comes home to me (or to the hotel) so my friend will sort that out (hopefully). She is actually quite good at this kind of things so I am not to worried (and as she will be at the wedding I can blame her and force her to fix everything that doesn't stay as it should ).

    Ah, and tomorrow we are going to check on the chapel again and after that we are meeting the lady that is designing our wedding cake - she will offer us different tastes to try, hehe (and that me, I am on a wedding diet!!).

    Since Jon saw my dress I am not worried about that at all any more but I also sneak in to look at it from time to time - to see that it is still there.

    Oh, then next will be very exciting for you! I remember us, standing at the post box with a big, big smile from one ear to the other after we posted our invitations.

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