• tree

    Engelska bruda?

    although we haven't budgeted for a profressional photographer i just sent some mails away asking about the cost to take pictures during the vigsel... but not portrait shots... mm... we have freinds who have offered to take all the photos... but during the vigsel that'd mean they coudlnät watch properly and what if they didnät come out so well... itäs a lot of pressure on them... so we discussed last night (m2b and me) that maybe it's worth getting a proffessional to take pics during the vigesl and maybe the mingle afterwards... we'll see..

  • tree

    i guess you must be right about it being american!

    a free photographer... what is her name... how do i find her on this site?

  • tree

    future mrs B

    how did you enjoy the dress shopping? any pictures for us see... webpages?

  • tree

    future mrs B
    thats a very cute dress! and a bargain price! well done!

    Miss Em
    that should bring us all some comfort, thanks!

  • tree

    i hate english wedding cake... all fruit cake in fact... so we are thinking of having pricess tårt! i love it! hehe

    welcome! i guess you are living in the uk now?

    when is the big day? perhpas you can complete the list... we are listing date order... name, location date!

    NuÄrDetDags Karlstad 17/03-07
    4:e maj london 04/05-07
    future mrs B Malmö 16/06-07
    Susanne Lund, Löberöd 28/07-07
    terri stockholm 18/08-07
    Nattsan Skokloster 25/08-07

    Billa Västerås date?

  • tree

    i guess stockholm is where the jobs are! and it's easy to fly in and our of for us foreigners!

  • tree

    i'm enlgish living in stockholm with swedish m2b! been here for 1.5 years.

  • tree

    any plans to move back to sweden?

  • tree

    mmm... i'm eating a cadburys fudge with my cup of tea that i bought at the english shop on monday! yummy!

  • tree

    NuÄrDetDags Karlstad 17/03-07
    4:e maj london 04/05-07
    future mrs B Malmö 16/06-07
    Susanne Lund, Löberöd 28/07-07
    hanban stockholm 11/08-07
    terri stockholm 18/08-07
    Nattsan Skokloster 25/08-07

    i love stockholm. i miss enlgish poeple a bit though. i don't know a single one! which is why i started this thread, so get to know oehr swinglish couples! i work at karolinska hospital in huddinge as a medical physicist. you can read our history together if you skip back a few pages... yesterday's discussion with NuÄrDetDags.

Svar på tråden Engelska bruda?