• tree

    Engelska bruda?

    i know what u mean! and we could afford to buy this place now, it wouldn't cost us much more than our apartment right now... but... it's nice just to focus on the wedding right now and know that we have found a nice area that we could imagine ourselves living in.

  • tree

    4:e Maj
    ooh how exciting! lycka till!

    i know what u mean... but as i discussed with m2b yesterday, even there was a pub nearby i probably wouldn't use because they are usually full of drunks! (we're looking in fairly residential areas, of course it's different in town)

    i was just looking at the house again online!

  • tree

    there are so many corny songs out there aren't there! i donät knwo what we will choose, but my freinds will pl it on the flute for us, so i guess it'll be something fairly traditional

  • tree

    embassy is here... Skarpögatan 6, kartor.eniro.se/query%F6gatan+6&what=map&asearch=1

    so u can take the red tube line to karlaplan and then walk about 1km or... Ta buss 69 från Centralen (Klarabergsviad.) mot Blockhusudden.
    Den går från Centralen (Klarabergsviad.) 12:39.
    Du är framme vid Ambassaderna ca 12:49.

    Gå 300 meter till Stockholm, Skarpögatan 6.

    Restid 10 minuter.

    so it's quite easy!

  • tree

    oh my god! thats crazy!

  • tree

    vad gör alihoppa idag? jag gick till jobbet igår eftersom jag hade tänkte att jag var frisk igen efter förkylningen...men det var inte så roligt för mina arbetskomrader på slutet så jag jobber hem idag!

    jag jobbade kanske mycket på helgen med vår bröllopshemsiden...oops just remebred that i can write english ehre! phew! i was struggling!.. we also ordered a few thigns for theknot.com they only deliver to the usa though so unfortunately i can't recommend it to you all.

    4:e maj
    how was the house you went to see on teh weeeknd?

    are you still on for thursday?

  • tree

    future mrs B
    how is the dress? have u tried it on at home yet?!!

  • tree

    4:e Maj
    thats a shame... good luck with the rest of the hunting.


    are you all hard at work today? or just pretending?!

  • tree

    i am actually mostly feeling better now, i'm just really snotty so am at home because it's too unpleasant to be around patients or the guy i usually share an office with! i've been getting a few good things done too but not what i planned... i left my work stuff in the car yesterday and m2b has it of course... so i've had to improvise a bit! oh well...

  • tree

    i will go and collect a package from the post office now... presents i ordered for family. i tried to pick it up this morning after i got the note and they said, nope, it won't be in till after 2! cheeky buggers!

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