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  • NuÄrDetDags

    Engelska bruda?

    That is what we are planning to do: Get this English document about 2 months before the wedding and then take that to Skatteverket. We were told we have to visit Skatteverket personally to sign everything in front of them - silly, but ok then.

  • NuÄrDetDags

    I have another question regarding Swedish vs. English traditions: the veil. As far as I have understood it, in England it covers your face (first at least ;)), in Sweden you usually wear it only on the back of your head, if you know what I mean. Is that right so far? I will most likely not have one at all but *if* I'd probably go for the English version to 'surprise' my h2b.

    Another thing I have been thinking of is the festprogram (again, oh, I want to play with that! Work is boring!). I thought of adding sort of an 'open love letter' to my h2b to it, also as a surprise for him (is it obvious that I like to surprise him? 8)). Something like "My dear husband, blabla?".

    By the way, don't know if it is very inspiring for you girls but this is our wedding web site:

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Personally I would remove it from my face (or let my h2b remove it) as soon as I arrive at his side, I want him to see me when he marries me. :D

    We did that too (wrote the invitations in every guests language), thus we had Swedish, English and German invitations. I wrote everything and had my h2b to correct the English ones. Unfortunately, spelling is not his strongest side, so I had to double check what he checked with a dictionary again. :D The festprogram is going to be fun: more to check and more to double check...

    The letter thing: Well, after all the guests hear our vows, can't think of anything more personal one can say in front of other people at the moment... If I decide to go for a letter I would chose a similar wording I guess. But it is still just an idea...

    I am sitting here in front of a new huge project and I just can't force myself to go on with it. Chatting about wedding is much more fun!

  • NuÄrDetDags

    No, I have coded and designed everything myself (copied the daisy code at the bottom, though). 8)
    Nice that you like it!

  • NuÄrDetDags

    terri, as far as I have read is supposed to be perfect for people without special knowledge about web site programming and stuff. You might want to have a look there (it's in English, which won't be a big problem I guess ).

    Oh, Nattson, lucky you, a new house! For us that is the next big plan for after the wedding. We can't have it all at the same time.

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Well, we don't plan to buy one after the wedding - we plan to start thinking about it. :D

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Nattson: I can imagine, it IS a big step. My biggest 'fear' is the financial commitment. The only one I want to be bound to is my h2b. I don't like debts and prying banks... but we will more than likely not be able to buy a house with only our own cash....

    We'll see, that day, that problem.

    terri: Great! If any problems occur I am sure you will find help here somewhere. I'd guestimate that 90% of people here with wedding web sites have used that service.

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Yes, future mrs B, I'd also say it makes a lot of financial sense but it depends on how it is going to be organised (at least it would for me). If it were like two separate apartements in one house: great. But if, as terri says, you will have to share the space (kitchen, bathroom, livingroom,...) with someone else but your husband, hm... Don't think I would go for that.

    But that is my personal opinion. Can't you have the house without the sister in law?

  • NuÄrDetDags

    future mrs B: It definitely is a good offer and of course, as long as all people involved agree and everyone is fine with the arrangement, go for it! If you have lived with her before and don't mind sharing the space again then it surely is worth thinking about it.

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Nattson: I bet it is only a "short rash" of cold feet. After all you have a lot of changes coming up and (probably) big financial pressure. I think it is always good to have Plan B, even if it is just to know it is there.

    I got my dress from a couple of days ago. Wrote about it here:
    Regarding the dress I am also starting getting cold feet now: what if my h2b doesn't like it?! He would rather shoot himself than seeing it before the wedding...

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