• 4:e Maj

    Engelska bruda?

    terri - is it the one in the middle of the website?

  • 4:e Maj

    Great, just get married, sort the paper work out and you'll be swedish!

  • 4:e Maj

    I agree, your swedish is fine!

  • 4:e Maj

    I've tempt at the royal free when at uni! My sister's baby is born there.

  • 4:e Maj

    Forgot to mention that my sister also lives here since 8 years ago with her australian husband and 6 months baby. It's so nice to have her here in the uk, the family feels less far away that way.

  • 4:e Maj

    Does anyone has any tips on how to get my fiance to learn swedish? He will not to a course. Hoping that more time spent in sweden will make him automatically pick it up.

  • 4:e Maj

    The thing is that he is not that keen to learn as everyone speaks english but I want him to...at least a little

  • 4:e Maj

    Yes, film are good. I'm hoping that ones we get the summer house we will spend more time in sweden and he will pick it up that way.

    Ha ha, he wants 4 children so it will be him against us 5!

  • 4:e Maj

    No morgongava for me as he is british but it doesn't matter as he is normally really good at presents.

    I've got all the christmas presents sorted! Yes, I knew you would be impressed but it's only because my sister (plus husband and baby) is off to Australia next week, I'm going to Sweden for a pre-chriustmas celebration on wednesday and h2b arranges those for his family (from both of us). I'll do all the wrapping whilst having glogg, pepparkakor och julmust (all from ikea).
    It's my first christmas over here so we are going to have a real tree and decoration.

    Will have a festprogram with one line about everyone and how they are related to the bride or groom in brackets. Haven't been to many swedish wedding so I really need some inspiration.

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