• tree

    Engelska bruda?

    hi there!
    how exciting that you have chosen a veil! i had decided i wouldn't have one until a lady in the store forced me to try one and i was instantly transformed into a bride! i have bought one now! hahaha

    congrats on the bargain cake too!

  • tree

    i like the elngth of number 1 and details of number 2!... then itäs almost the same as mine! hahaha! seriousdly though it depends onf your dress... the long one might cover any ncie details on the back of your dress..

  • tree

    soudns to me like u have made a decision! hehe... nr 2 it is... and a fine choice that is too!

  • tree

    u mean a tiara? thats easiest to do in the store where u buy your dress so u can see if it matches well... use the women in the store to guide you! they picked out my tiara and veil for me... and after trying on several others i chose the recomended ones! haha

  • tree

    oh i c! when will you get your dress? that's sp exciting now to wait for it to arrive!

  • tree

    the link to the site says it can't find the dress instore! but i think i remeber now what it looked like!

    that's a good price for the bridemaid dresses... 2500 - 4000 is a typical at full price. so the sale prices are excellent! my bridesmaid dress were 2500 each here in sweden... but as i said i ordered them in america for 1/3 for the price!

  • tree

    don't worry about what your man wants u to wear... the dress is something that that is ALL about what U want! he will be thilled no matter what u wear, i am sure!

  • tree

    hahaha! i know what u mean though... i actually showed my m2b a little bit of the bodice of my dress just to have some reassurance... it felt good... its hard to make such a big decision without their input...

  • tree

    jag åker på måndag! men självklart har jag internet access över jul också!

    did it again!... anyway, have u thought that perhpas your dress doesnät look so great next to a creme coloured suit as it would next to something compeltely different from your dress. i.e. something dark? something to think about perhaps...

  • tree


    oh how lovely... have a super evening. i have an evening alone. m2b is working late again... came home at 10.30 last nigth and 9.40 the night night before... said he hopes to home around 8 though tonight...we'll see

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