• tree

    Engelska bruda?

    where is your address? u can send it to me brud1808@yahoo.se and i'll send you my regular contact details!

    come to stockholm then! you know at least 2 girls here who'd love to meet u! and you'll be close to the airport for cheap weekend trips back to england!

  • tree

    how exciting! that's a pretty cool birthday gift!

  • tree

    i have shown online pics to my family and bridesmaids werewith me when i tried it/bought it. but i know what you mean about keeping it a secret too... it's hard!

    andway, i am in sunny georgia usa now! it's 24degrees and sunny! been playing golf in my parents back yard! have a super xmas everyone!

  • tree

    Hi girls! happy new year! 2007! the year we will all get married! yahoo! it was the first thing my m2b said after our new year kiss! ahhh!

    i am still in the usa. i leave tomorrow morning and will be back in stockholm on wednesday morning! it's been a lovely a holiday! my mum has made all our invitations now and they are super! they look so professional, beautiful. i am so pleased with them. we also bought some stationary stuff to make our fest programs and thank you cards. so much cheaper! i also bought a handbag and had it died diamond white to match my dress... super cheap too! i didn't find any wedding shoes unfortunaetly but i did find 6 other pairs! hahaha

    the weather has been very warm (about 19-23) but bloody cloudy, so now tan! boo hoo! well i guess my face has a little more colour... oh well..

    i'll be online again when i get back! take care everyone!

    welcome to our conversation! when is the big day? are you getting married in the UK or Sweden? and where do you live?

    you have mail!

  • tree

    cool with the invitations... my mum almost finished making ours, we have to print the text for the evening only invitations. we bought some packages in the US also to make our festprogram and also some basic thank you cards that we will jazz up a little. we also bought silk rose petals for both the aisle and table decorations, a flower basket and a letter box for cards, wishes and honeymoon contributions to be placed in. and i got a lovely hand bag... which reminds me, i must check the colour match with my dress!

    i can reccomend the place we r getting married in stockholm. 1600's slott, original details etc on the 'fest floor' and modern on the ground floor. 54 hotel rooms (4*) that are all uniquely designed. excellant and accomodating chef for all the food too. www.ulfsundaslott.se

    did anyone get any nice surprises for xmas? m2b gave me diamond earrings! we had set a low budget this year due to the wedding saving plan... but for the first time ever i stuck to it and he completly blew it! haha... of course they were bought in the usa where diamonds are half the price of here! but anyway, i am thrilled!

    have u all read the thread a woman wrote asking why honeymoon couples 'expect' an upgrade on the flight... well read on! we lied when we checked in for our flight and said we got engaged on new years eve and wondered that if there were some seats available perhpas we could get an upgrade to make the trip home more romantic... the answer was OF COURSE! super! business class was amazing. as we were seated we were given a glass of champagne, then hot towels, then a flight package with everything we needed to be comfortable throughout the flight, then a menu for dinner...with 4 choices!, 3 courses plus cheese, as much wine as we wanted, then coffee and digestif!... and then a super breakfast later on. truely wonderful! and the seats were huge and reclined so far back and a foot rest came out, it was great to actually be able to sleep on the plane!
    my tip is to make sure you ask about an upgrade when you go for your honeymoons! the check in lady looked straight away and saw there were seats available in business class and said that actually the plane was slightly overbooked so it was perfect time to ask! it is normal practise to overbook flights, and i have been asked to take other flight for financial incentives many times so upgrading is often a possibilty...

    anyway, back to work tomorrow boo hoo

  • tree

    oh yeah, we plan to send our invites end of feb/beginning of march... our rsvp/osa date is 4th may so that we have time to send a second round of invites out if we get an 'nej tacks' and they can be returned by end of june. getting married 18/08.

    we plan to use the rsvp function on the wedding anouncer website....almost done with our website now. i'll put up a link and show u all when it's done!

  • tree

    they are extremely professional i have to say, and very accomodating.
    but actually i live in stockholm!

    i have freinds who live in geneva who are planning a wedding in sweden too... they r both swedish and are getting married in skåne so you are not alone!

  • tree

    we all chat in english here! bridesmaids follow u and your dad down the ailse! M2b and bestman wait at the alter!

  • tree

    when is the big day? are you getting married in the UK or Sweden? and where do you live?

Svar på tråden Engelska bruda?