• tree

    Engelska bruda?

    oohhh... good luck!

    we haven't done much wedding stuff since we met... well, i finished the website i think... except a page on restaurants which i'll fix at a later date...

    in fact i've bene pretty focussed at work which feels pretty good.. it's been a while!

  • tree

    hi everyone!

    we talked to our fotographer last night so now itäs all confirmed! phew! excellant... we will have him for the ceremony and mingle and he said we can also sneak away fro a few minutes and he can take some potraits too just to be sure we get some good ones (our freinds will take the portrait ones befroe teh wedding u see)... very cool...

  • tree

    is anyone going to the mässan at the Grand hotel in 2 weeks? m2b has to work that whole weekend! a big project goes live on the monday... oh well...

  • tree

    aha! anyone else got an opinion on this?!

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    4:e Maj
    ohh thats exciting! we had a look a few weeks ago and started making a list but decided not to do one in hte end and only ask fr contributions to the honeymoon... with exoereinces for the trip instead of cash... shame though... i found some lovely cutlery and serving sets! hahaha

    thats cool! whats the countdown now? only a couple of weeks! i might take a look at the fest program this weekend. m2b will be working long and late so i could make a start... we'll see!

  • tree

    terrible typing there! sorry!... shoudl say... but decided not to do one in the end and only ask for contributions to the honeymoon with experiences for the trip instead of cash!

  • tree

    oh wonderful! did you wear it fr him or show it on a hanger! i actually showed it to olof yesterday online and he thought it was lovely (your dress i mean!)

    what a super gift!... now u have a good start!

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    4:e Maj
    sorry... i haven't done it yet!...

  • tree

    4:e Maj
    will do!

    just writing to a friend back in london letting her know what we've been up to wedding wise (she asked!)... it feels so exciting to list it all! we've been such busy bees! hehehe

  • tree

    Hi everyone!

    sounds like you are very busy bee at the moment Nuärdetdags! it's all so exciting for us to hear too!

    I've been busy too in fact. i've started working on our festprogram and vigsel program already!... m2b has been working till 10 every night so it's better to do that than stare at the tv!

    need to find some shoes too. might look in a few weeks.

    we've written out half of our invites inlcuding envelopes!...all the ones that'll go out early (distant travellers etc). not quite decided on the final guest list... its soooo hard!

    we are translating some parts fo the ceremony inot english for our vigselfför. she is well prepared!

    hmmm... can't think now if we've (read I've) done anything else...

    hope you are all well and enjoying the plaiing still. i have a bit of a sore throat actually but i'll pass soon!

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