• tree

    Engelska bruda?

    4:e Maj

    wow! you really have some exciting news there!

    i am sitting right now struggling with who to invite from work... we are a group of about 15, 8 of us solcialise regularly... and i have at max 5 possible places... hmm.... so hard! i don't know what to do! and my bridesmaid has been away for ages and anyway isn't really so interested in helping with the planning... hmm...

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    4:e Maj

    whats a vigselekt? we will have a non-religous ceremony...

  • tree

    aha! then we don't need that in english! but thanks anyway! our VF is writing a lovely ceremony for us. we have read snippits of it to translate parts into enlgish. we said though that we don't want to read everything before hand so that there is still a surprise for us...

  • tree

    Nickel is what causes the reaction, ususally it is specified if they are 'nickel free'. hope thats helps!

  • tree

    future mrs B
    wow! now we r curious! you must send us a picture to my email! picture of my m2b on our webpage... weddingannouncer.com

    his younger brother or older brother?

  • tree

    Bi Dahlborg will be our FV. she will do it in both english and swedish for us so english is definately not a problem. she is a private VF though and works to make the ceremony more complete... so she charges 5000 kr... but we think she is worth it! she is under VF on BT's listings... good luck

  • tree

    testing...i have changed my name...

  • tree

    hej NuÄrDetDags
    howäs it going for you? what is it 6 weeks left?

  • tree

    if u say terri really fast it becomes sort of like tree... my brother calls me that too!

  • tree

    how exciting... how r the shoes? comfy? i booked a hairdresser yesterday actually... a private lady who will come to me on teh dya and do it... and do a provuppsättning in June... good price too so i'm pleased!

    we will meet with a lady at the slott next and discuss details etc, so thats pretty exciting for us!... and we ordered stamps online yesterday so we can post all our invites next week! we've actually handed a few out in person already but it'll feel more official next week! super cool!

    i took a quite peek at my dress last night hanging in the wardrobe! nice! every once in a while i get nervous when i see another stunning dress and wonder if i made the right choice... i have to force myself to remeber how i felt wearing it in the store with the underskirt on and everything... oh dear! but it felt good to look at it last night anyway!

  • tree

    well welcome to our thread! i moved here in may 2005 for a job. my m2b is swedish hence i searched for the job here in the first place. we had been in london for a few years and thought it was time for him to 'come home'! i love it here. can't imaging going back to england!

    most girls in this conversation have english men but are themselves swedish.

    not long till your wedding!

  • tree

    NuÄrDetDags (snart Mrs. 170307)
    så röligt! det är så snart!

    that was cool to even try and read everything! hehe

  • tree

    alla ska gifta sig iinan mig! boo hoo... förutom Nattson som är veckan efter mig!

  • tree

    hi all!
    i'm tying the know 18th august here in stockholm, bromma actually...

    no idea about my hen party... one of my freinds here is organising it... i donät think ym english friends would come over here for that though and then again fr the wedding... and i donät have many close friends in sweden (boo hoo) so i have no idea what's going to happen... i wonder if i should suggest having it in london instead... hmm....

  • tree

    i know! isn't that so funny... i have no idea how businesses survive... basically by burning them all our in the spring!

    we planned it that way too... hoefully mroe of our freinds and family can come this way.... we'll see!

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