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  • NuÄrDetDags

    Engelska bruda?

    Wow, terri, nice dress!

  • NuÄrDetDags

    That's what I am hoping for.
    On the one hand I could probably come in my bath robe but on the other he has proven to be more conservative regarding all wedding related stuff than I could ever imagine... Don't want to disappoint him... Ahh, I am stupid. If you don't have problems you just make yourself some.

  • NuÄrDetDags

    ... maybe I should buy a 2nd, more classic gown - after all I only paid 1400 sek so why not get two! :D

    Just kidding.

  • NuÄrDetDags

    "Fried of the groom" :D That's a good one!

    Yes, terri, actual my h2b asked me if I don't want to get a 'spare dress' for the party, just in case I can't move properly or the wedding dress gets too dirty (after all it is March) so I was thinking of this one in light pink as 'party dress':

    But that doesn't change the fact that I am not sure about my wedding dress anymore. I know, you are both right, he will be overwhelmed It's just me turning into a bridezilla I guess, I just want it to be perfect and am now starting questioning my own decisions, great. If noone else does, I have to do it myself. :D

  • NuÄrDetDags

    By the way, I showed him the spare dress and he loves it. Just wish he wouldn't resist giving me feedback on the actual wedding dress... I am not even allowed to show him a picture. :D

    Ok, I stop worrying now, I have a manual for an x-ray machine on the table that wants to be translated...

  • NuÄrDetDags

    No, he has strictly forbidden me to show him anything about the wedding dress. I am not even allowed to talk about it/ describe it.

    Funny, yes, I am working as a medical technical translator, mainly from German and English into Swedish (sometimes into German too as I am fluent in German, after more than 20 years in Germany ;)) and mainly manuals and software localisation stuff.

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Oh, homesickness is awful. Can't you call your family tonight when you come home? And maybe you can get some Glögg and Pepparkakor?

    As I still lived in Germany I had Skype contact almost on a daily basis to my family, mainly my parents. Actually, that hasn't changed much although they only live down the hill. :D

    Other than in Stockholm the sun has been shining here the whole day. Well, ok, now it is dark but I don't mind - time to switch on all the candle holders.

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Right now? Yes - reading here! :) But not for much longer, have to do some shopping for dinner and then the litter boxes want to be cleaned...

    It's a shame we all don't live closer to eachother. I bet we all could have a funny night out with our partner, chatting about swenglish things and homesickness!

  • NuÄrDetDags

    :D I didn't mean with our partner - I meant all of us + resp. partner! :D

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Yes, to have at least this meeting point is great! Though it means I have to work over time (which is my own fault in first place ;)).

    Yes, very Swedish indeed. As my brother got married my dad's first comment was sth like "and what is that good for?" :D

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