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  • NuÄrDetDags

    Engelska bruda?

    Oh, I wish I had work colleagues (that's the downside of being a freelancer)! Bet you two have a lovely evening!

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Good morning!

    A secret box are a couple of erotic but not pornografic pictures, if you understand what I mean.

    Like nice, tasteful pictures in e.g. underwear.

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Don't know if it is Swedish... Bet it comes from America. Wouldn't it otherwise be a "hemlig låda"...
    I have been thinking of a Secret Box, also talked about it with our wedding photographer. She would do it but I don't think I will find neither time nor money before the wedding. Maybe as next year's christmas present... 8)

    We will have a professional photographer for portrait pictures after the wedding. During the ceremony (actually before and afterwards too) there will be a "half professional" photographer...

    She will work for free as we agreed on that if everything goes well she can use our pictures for her presentation folder...

    We found her here:

  • NuÄrDetDags

    terri: Will look for her name when I have access to the other computer. On the fotosida you can put an ad for free. I put one on that said that we are getting married, where and when, and that we are looking for a photographer. I think we got about 10 replies. If you do the same you will probably get more answers as there are not so many people around Karlstad as there are around Stockholm.

    future mrs B: I can imagine. Have to prepare an adventskalender for my h2b today (yes, I like doing things 'last minute') - and I don't know where to steal the time from...

  • NuÄrDetDags

    future mrs B: Top dress and a top price!! The price doesn't sound awful at all - it sounds perfect!

    Miss Em: Yes isn't it strange? One would think moving to/from Sweden to/from England wouldn't be that of a cultural shock - but they have some weird things on that Island... :D
    My mum cried tears as my h2b told her the guests aren't allowed to eat the wedding cake but should take a piece to eat at home.

  • NuÄrDetDags

    "cried tears", obviously I meant she laughed tears.... :D

  • NuÄrDetDags

    First we didn't want a wedding cake at all, thought of only having some small creme cakes and coffee/tea as dessert.

    Well, then my h2b from one day to the other decided "but THAT is not traditional, we can't do THAT" so I thought, ok then, we both love chocolate, let's get a fancy chocolate wedding cake.

    "What? Chocolate?! In a wedding cake?! Are you pulling my leg? No, that is not a traditional wedding cake!"
    This is still not sorted. :D At the moment he has agreed to Swedish Princesstårta because he really likes it and it is without chocolate :D. It has to be white though, not green or pink...

    And regarding the snaps, we will only serve wine and lager (and non alcoholics of course). My h2b can't drink booze (well, he can drink it but it doesn't agree with him) so I don't see the point in having it on our wedding.

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Hej Hanban! Are you both English?

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Ah, so that's why you get married in Sweden then.

    Why on earth are you all located in or near Stockholm?!

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Hanban: I am Swedish, my h2b is English. Since May this year we are living near Karlstad (you would probably not know where Grums is :)).

    I also really hope our friends and family from England and Germany will like it here. Most of them have never been to Sweden....
    Hm, maybe we should have got married in the summer (it IS nicer when it is green)... Ah well, they will love it even if it is grey and wet!

    Yes, terri, you've probably got a point there. We have to go to Gothenburg or Oslo to fly to England (or where ever we want to fly to)...

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