• tree

    Engelska bruda?

    Are there any other english brides to be out there planning their wedding to swedish men?

    I'd love to hear from you!

    Where are you living and what is the magical date?

    Stockholm, 18th August 07 for us!

  • Svar på tråden Engelska bruda?
  • Pumpalot

    terri haha that is so funny, we have had wild discussion about inviting people for an "after party".. I think that is a bit wierd, but I have now realised that is how you do it in England. =)

  • Switzerland

    Terri does she work for Beckman Coulter ?

  • 4:e Maj

    terri - we are going to Rome as neighter of us are in to beach holidays. Yes, one of the better suits better be free...

    Feel rather calm at the moment as most things are now sorted apart from stationary (mini panic), flowers, shoes and underware. By the way, I'm going home 19/01 to see a house as mum has plced an offer, so exceting!

  • tree

    19/01 är vår 5 års dag! kan jag komma ihåg rätt?... hem finns i skåne? eller hur? spännande med huset!

    jag hittat ett par skor i princessa oops... english here...by Rainbow, model called darcy... very nice and comfy but 900kr! i tried to find some in the usa. there were loads so cheap, but they were all so uncomfortable!

  • 4:e Maj

    No, Orebro (fly SAS via Sthlm). Looked at Rainbow too and quite like a few models. Was also thinking about confort verses price and decided that I don't want to be in agony. They can always be died black if I wish afterwards. Nixa's is surposed to be very confortable as their main shoe buyer is an ex ballroom dancer and have tried and tested them all.

  • tree

    nixa, thanks fro the tip... i althink confort is way more comfortable, and like you thought to die them black afterwards! i also thought about dance shows, i had some made in london fro about £50 so that is also an option... but not suitable to keep afterwards...only for the dancefloor! heavenly shoes they were called.. in west london...

  • 4:e Maj

    Thanks, will check them out. Was also thinking about ballroom dancing shoes as they are v confortable and actually quite like wedding shoes in terms of colour and declorations (with diamonty etc if one wish).

  • tree

    i checked out the nixa shoes... similar price to rainbow...

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Hey, where have you all gone?! Ok, I myself have been a bit busy the last weeks so I have only made short stops here at BT. My birthday surprise for my m2b (I flew in his best mate from England without his knowledge) was an extraordinary success!! He looked so stupid as he opened the door... it's a pity I didn't take a picture!

    I have decided I have to take up the planning again as it is only 2 months left? My mum told me, SHE is getting nervous ? and she only has to pick a dress for herself - what am I supposed to say!? Well, next step is tomorrow: Stockholm we come!!! Tomorrow we have to go to the embassy to sort my m2b's papers for the hindersprövning (he has to swear on the bible or something, only God knows, probably, what that is good for but well).

    So, what are you all up to?

Svar på tråden Engelska bruda?