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  • NuÄrDetDags

    Engelska bruda?

    We wrote this in the English invitations:

    On the left side:
    Let our first day
    of our mutual life
    begin with love
    and with those we love

    On the right side:
    We are getting married!

    Two lives, two hearts
    Joined together in friendship
    United forever in love

    The civil marriage will take place
    17th March, 2007 (Saturday) 2:00 pm
    Acksjöns Chapel, Karlstad, Sweden

    Afterwards, dinner and festivities will take place at Sundsta Mansion.

    For further information, see addendum
    or visit

    RSVP 15th January, 2007, latest

    I know, not the fanciest invitions but clean and simple. :D

  • NuÄrDetDags

    By the way, chicken meal... Today I will try the "Julmust-chicken" posted in the christmas thread:
    4 kycklingfiléer, ca 500 g
    2 dl minifraiche
    2 dl julmust
    1 hönsbuljongtärning
    1 tsk malen ingefära
    1 tsk rosmarin
    1 msk kinesisk soja

    Bryn kycklingen i smör på båda sidor. Blanda minifraiche, julmust, buljongtärning, ingefära, rosmarin och soja i en traktörpanna. Lägg i kycklingen och låt koka ca 10 min. Garnera ev med färsk rosmarin. Servera med potatis och frästa grönsaker.


    It sounds a bit strange but I bet it's very tasty. :D

  • NuÄrDetDags

    future mrs B: Sometimes you have to take risks. :D Is probably THE new christmas meal!

    Arsenal is playing tomorrow? Then I know what a certain h2b is going to be up to...

  • NuÄrDetDags

    I couldn't keep it secret even if I tried!

    If my h2b hadn't threatened with legal actions I would have showed him too... :D

  • NuÄrDetDags

    We left the left side in English (as it only is the monogram and the short poem with the mutual life...) and this we wrote on the right side:

    Två liv, två hjärtan
    Förbundna i vänskap
    För alltid förenade i kärlek

    Vi gifter oss
    17 mars, 2007 (Lördag) Kl 14:00
    Acksjöns Kapell, Karlstad

    Sedan blir det fest med mat och dryck på
    Sundsta Herrgård (PRO gården).

    Ytterligare information finns i
    bilagan eller på

    OSA senast 15 januari, 2007

  • NuÄrDetDags

    I know you all won't believe me but the Julmust-chicken smells wonderful!

  • NuÄrDetDags

    ... and so it tasted, too! ;)

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Oh, I couldn't do that, am far to impatient... :D What if you see THE house and then you can't buy it for different reasons... But at least I have decided about my h2b's "English christmas present" today (the one he gets on the 25th, not the 24th). He will get his puppy...

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Yes, that is also true. We tried to have a quick look on the house market once but we gave up as we don't know anything about any area. And they never mention "pub in walking distance" in their descriptions...

  • NuÄrDetDags

    4:e Maj: That really sounds exciting!! If we would leave Sweden I would definitely want something like that too, an own place to come back to when ever one feels for it.
    Good luck!!

    Yes, I know what you mean. We tried the only local pub here a couple of days ago but even my h2b said there are only morons(and he is normally more tolerant than I am in this matter). It is just not possible, having a relaxed pint when people around you are screaming and shouting and trying to start silly conversations with you... He loves Sweden, the only thing he is missing is the option to go to a nice, calm English pub once in a while.

    Well, well, we probably have to start our own. ;)

    Started listening to wedding music (for walking in and out and during the ceremony) this weekend. We have only come so far that we have decided "I saw you crying in the chapel" and "Yesterday" aren't options. :D

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