• Pomodoro

    TIPS för er som har återkommande urinvägsinfektioner!

    JO, det finns massa vetenskapliga bevis pa att tranbarsjuice ar bra mot UVI, men det beror inte pa sankt pH i urinen:
    "Arguably, the strongest body of scientific evidence supporting the potential benefits of cranberry juice on urinary-tract health relates to the studies of plausible biological mechanisms. Cranberry juice acts to promote urinary-tract health by inhibiting bacterial adherence to mucosal surfaces.[21, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 and 47] Bacterial adherence to mucosal surfaces is generally considered to be an important prerequisite for colonization and infection. [19] Avorn et al. [24] found no evidence that urinary acidification was responsible for the bacteriostatic effect of cranberry juice: the median pH of urine samples from the cranberry subjects (6.0) was actually higher from that of the placebo group (5.5). Results from mechanistic studies measuring inhibition of bacterial adherence conducted by several researchers have led to the following conclusions.

  • Pomodoro

    Jag har sokt lite pa Pubmed.
    Sahar star det i en review fran 2005:
    "In three randomized controlled trials, cranberry juice has been shown to prevent bacteruria in elderly people and urinary tract infections (UTI) in women and it has been suggested as an alternative to antimicrobials for UTI prevention. It is thought to act by inhibiting the adhesion of Eschericia coli to uroepithelial cells by proanthocyanidins".

    Forhoppningsvis tyder det pa att nyare forskning kommit fram till att Tranbarsjuice verkligen ar bra mot UTI. Tror dock att det hjapler bast i forebyggande syfte.

  • Pomodoro

    Ja, om det hjalper sa ar det ju jattebra. Dessutom har det inga biverkningar!

Svar på tråden TIPS för er som har återkommande urinvägsinfektioner!