Mrs H (fd 4:e Maj): Oh, there you are again!! Congratulations and all the best! I am so happy everything went smoothly and perfectly! Funny, our husbands have the same first name (mine without 'h' though).
Speckledust/saragran: Yes, I am spoiling him.
I love to surprise people around me with small gifts and things like that (well, him especially). Unfortunately, nothing has arrived yet but since yesterday the tracking thing says 'Sweden' instead of Denmark (as it has been the last couple of days).
I really don't understand why you guys don't like salty liquorice ? it is so tasty! Hehe, a friend of us that came to visit us from England bought them buy mistake and almost got sick. He was really chocked (with wide open eyes and breathing heavily).
tree: How is going? Photographer sorted?
Silvera: Welcome! I had to get passports for my cats too as I moved from Germany. That was a pain in the bum! But well, you can't leave them behind you.
If you move to England I am sure you will enjoy both Newcastle and London. I'd probably prefer Newcastle (ok, if I could choose freely I would rather end up in something like Totnes or, if really freely, I would buy Camelot Castle in Cornwall). But, a white wooden house in Grums is ok too.
Tomorrow we are moving into the new house so I am a bit stressed at the moment. Beside the fact that I am living between piled boxes, have too much work to do and actually no time to move we are really looking forward to it!
Yesterday we got the last pictures from our second wedding photographer! Would love to update our web site and order the thank you cards but unfortunately that will have to wait til next week?.
So, have to go. Once again, congrats Mrs H (fd 4:e Maj)!