• Nattson

    Engelska bruda?

    I´m a british citizen, so no swedish passport. But I´v lived here in Sweden all the time exept for maby 6mts. So I only have to fill in the hindersprövning then. Thats a relif...

  • Nattson

    ok I have to call skatteverket... The things you have to do eaven if you have lived here your whole life. Amazing...

  • Nattson

    Hi Girls,

    Just arrived to work after a visit to whats going to be our new house. We have had a insurance man looking at the roof, the plumming and so on... The house passed with flying colors :)

    About the veil, I think that I will have one at the back of my head. It will proberly come down to my waist.

  • Nattson

    We didn´t plan to by it either... But when we came in the front door we both looked att each other and said, Yes this is the house we want. After carefully considering our financial situation we desided to go ahead. But I must admitt that i´m a bit nervous, it feels like a big step!

  • Nattson

    I realise that this is very off topic ( OT ) Sorry Terri! hope it´s ok...

  • Nattson

    future mrs B, as NuÄrDetDags says it´s worth thinking about!
    Yesterday my h2b got coold feet... He wanted to go over the everything about the wedding, the food, the place where we are going to have the party and so on. He´s become so nervous this past week... He says it´s because we don´t know how much we will get for the flat we are selling. So we came up with a back up plan... To have the party in our garden! It is something we want to avoid if we can, but at least we have a plan B. I don´t think we will have to use it, but it makes him a bit more calm.

    I´m going to book the flight to London today! :) It´s going to be so exiting trying on different dresses and so on. Terri, have you brought your dress? I can´t remember what you said in Augusti 07.
    future mrs B and NuÄrDetDags, have you started to look at dresses?

  • Nattson

    Wow Terri and NuÄrDetDags, beautiful dresses!
    I´m thinking the same what if he doesn't like it... But then again as terri says they have never seen us in such a beautiful dress.

    You all know my speling is not that good. But the other night we looked at the guest list and my h2b started to laugh out loud. He pointed at a name. I had written fried of the groom, instead of Friend of the groom... ha ha ha

  • Nattson

    future mrs B, how exiting to see what your mum and sister thinks of the dress!!

    Can´t wait untill it´s my turn. :)

  • Nattson

    Dear future mrs B, I know the feeling...

    But it´s not long to go now and we are all here to give you a pepp talk when you need one! :)

  • Nattson

    Well where do you all live?

    I live in in a suburb to Stockholm but go to the city every day for work. Anyone else living or working in or near Stockholm?

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