• Nattson

    Engelska bruda?

    Me and mum are going to London together. So I will have my mum and aunt with me when it´s my turn.

    I wrote a mail to my cousin yesterday. I´m tyring to get her more involved in the dress hunting for her and the other bridesmaid. We´ll see what she has to say about it all!

  • Nattson

    Terri, so sweet of you to offer!!
    I would really like that. It´s just a matter of time. As we are moving soon I guess that nearly all the free time will be filled with packing and cleaning. But if I get any free time I´ll give you a shout! :)
    Thank you again for offering!!

  • Nattson

    I have sent them a mail and asked for the price. Yes Eden is nice to!

  • Nattson

    NuÄrDetDags, nice to get the cake cheaper. I think the woman who is going to bake our cake will charge 25sek per person. So it will add up to aprox sek1750.

  • Nattson

    NuÄrDetDags, I like the second one best!

  • Nattson

    Good morning!!

    Re the b-maids dresses. Original price is 2600sek. But they have a sale on so the price is 1800sek. That it´s quite a good price but I have nothing to compare with, what do you think?

  • Nattson

    I have shown him the style that I think I will go for. He is sooo pickey.

    But on the otherhand, we will never wear a dress so beutiful as our wedding dress so I think that they will think we look georgeous anyway ?! :) ( i hope )

  • Nattson

    I like the first one best! Look´s very elegant!

  • Nattson

    Terri, when do you fly to USA? Just incase we don´t "see" each other here at BT before christmas! Merry Christmas! Hope that you and you´r h2b will have a lovley time with your family!

  • Nattson

    Hello Girls!! :)

    Altough I´v lived here all my life I still think that it´s hard to make friends with sweeds... I have two close friends that are sweeds one I met in school and the other one at work.
    I would love to make new friends, so Terri I´v posted my e-mail address here. So if you want we can xchange phone numbers. It goes for all of you, just dropp me a line :) I cant remember if anyone else livs in Sweden too?

  • Nattson

    24degrees sounds nice :)

    Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you all!!

  • Nattson

    Happy new year to you all!!

    Me and mum made the first invitation card during christmas. They will be sent out during feb I think. :)

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