Engelska brudar 2
Just noticed that the other thread has been closed... Great...
Hope you all find the way to this one!
The old thread:
Just noticed that the other thread has been closed... Great...
Hope you all find the way to this one!
The old thread:
Hi 28julibruden and welcome!
I guess the 28th July is your D-Day?
I like the idea of chatting in English, because I need to improve my writing! :D So I'm happy if we keep the conversation in English, but you might have some difficulties of understanding me sometimes! ;)
thanks and yes, 28/07 is the big day!
trying to get everything organised from here, but is finding it a bit difficult since a lot of small businesses in the swedish country side don't have websites!
I must say that all of you Swedish ladies write much better English than I do Swedish
We Brits are not great when it comes to grammer & you know what they say about English people only being able to speak one language Most English people here in Sweden are with a Swedish partner so they get to learn the language quite quickly but my M2B is also English & by the time we've argued about what is the correct way to say something in Swedish we've kind of lost the plot! We only speak English with each other at home now
Strange thing is my English is getting bad & my Swedish no better
Speckledust: I know how you feel! my swedish is getting really bad after 8 yers in uk and my english not any better. it's like i don't have a mother language anymore!;)
And I thought it is only my h2b that is trying to confuse me, when he 'misuses' English grammar. Where he comes from they often say e.g. 'you was' instead of 'you were' (don't know why but at least there it is not only him). To me that sounded really strange - and now I am finding myself doing that every now and again.
He has now been in Sweden for almost a year and his Swedish is still limited to 'hej' and 'tack' (na, almost), which is my/his/our own fault: we only speak English at home, he only works for English customers, on TV everything is in English, everywhere we go people are enthusiastic about having someone to practise their English on,... We have now put a Swedish course on his mp3-player and I am trying to use Swedish when I ask things like 'do you want more coffee', 'fancy going for a walk',...
Ups, I better start working. That was the reason for getting up so early and now I am stcuk here again.
All of you, have a nice day!
i know exactly what u girls mean! i've been here almost 2 years (may) and i feel like i am losing my english. i am always forgetting words and says things so swinglish sometimes! we only speak english at home which poeple think is strange, but thats the language we spoke when we got together 5 years ago so it's strange to speak swedish with each other. i have taken several courses though and speak swedish at work so i get enough practise!... and then of course the chatting here on BT!....
NuÄrDetDags (snart Mrs. 170307)
grammar is alos a dialect issue in sweden too! my colleague is form the gothenburg region and has very strange grammar that he wasn't even aware was wrong! hehehe
have you got much work done afterall?
absolutely knackered today!
went tot eh slott yesterday and talked tot eh new organiser there. she seems very ncie but certainly knows how to rattle on!... oh well... got the summer menu at last too... oh my god! itäs way too fancy!... i can't eat anything from it! hahaha... they said we can talk to the chef and he'll do anything though so it'll all be fine!
had a chock with the wine list though. last year they said the hosue wines were french and 290kr/fl whihc was ok... now it is argentinian wine same price... everything else though if we don't like that is 400kr/fl! wow!
tree: Great that it went well yesterday!! Well, at least regarding the dinner... 400 kr per bottle of wine sounds like robbery!! If you don't like the Argentinian, can you not look for a cheaper wine you like and ask them to order that?
Yes, I have actually got loads done - not much work related though... But the cat litter boxes are clean and they have fresh water, I have done the washing up and the laundry - and all that before Jon even opened one eye.
But now I really have to finish the project I have to deliver today!!
Regarding grammar, of course dialect is an explanation for 'strange structures'!. It is always funny when he gives me his English texts to proof read - one would think he would now better.
28julibruden - Welcome! Had a look at Coast at John Lewis and thought they were not bad actually. Have they got a website as I have so far been unable to find one?
I don't know if you girls saw the other thread where this song came up but as I think the lyrics are lovely, I thought I give you all a hint.
(I haven't got a clue what it sounds like though...)