Kom på en sak till som jag måste fråga! Vår pastor skrev så här till mig idag:
"One thing you may want to inquire about in your own country is if you need the ?long form? from the United State (basically the license contains the witnesses? information) for your marriage to be legal in Sweden (whereas they usually just give out the ?short form? - witness information not included). If you do need the long form, when you get here, make sure you inquire about the proper procedure. I believe you have to take the license after the ceremony, go back to city hall with an additional $30 and then they process it then and there. It can also be done at a later date through the mail, but that can be a bit of a hassle. However, if you only need the short form, we just mail in the license after the ceremony, and they mail the official license to you."
Vad skickade ni in till Skattemyndigheten när ni kom hem? Lång version på äktenskapsbeviset som inkluderade era vittnens uppgifter eller det korta? Detta har jag aldrig hört talas om...