Engelska brudar 2
Just noticed that the other thread has been closed... Great...
Hope you all find the way to this one!
The old thread:
Just noticed that the other thread has been closed... Great...
Hope you all find the way to this one!
The old thread:
Mind if I join you? Swedish girl in England, marrying English guy. We live in England and will get married here but have a party in Sweden as well.
Welcome F2B....where in the UK are you living?...I am in Leeds....though marrying in Sthlm.
Tree- how did you get on at the Quiz? Hope you won!!
Hi everyone else... hope you are all well...roll on weekend!
where is everyone??
I am here! (More or less)
hehe, hi there
hows it going? what you up to?....planning, planning, and more planning I guess...
the days are flying by for you are they or is it dragging now?
Unfortunately they are flying! Today in one week the first guests arrive and we just made a 'private schedule' for the last days - I was chocked how many 'small' things still have to be done.
But we are in a good mood and are having fun.
How is it going for you?
pleased to hear its fun for you....I cant imagine how I will be feeling in the real run up to our wedding....eeek!!
how many guests have you coming over from the UK? I think we have about 40....
Things are fine here, just bored at work...looking on hemnet for somewhere to live...want to return to Sthlm this year!!
The 'only problem' I have at the moment is that I am sooo tired and I don't know why. I even feel too tired to worry (which is positive ).
We have about 20 guests from the UK, 20 from Germany and 20 from Sweden - so everything has to be there in three languages. That's what is stealing most of the time now. Am happy my bride's maid arrives from Germany next Tuesday, she can put it all together.
thank goodness for bridesmaids hey.....
NuÄrDetDags (snart Mrs. 170307), the days pass so quick!
I don´t think we won the quiz yesterday, but we had fun anyway! It was my first pub quiz. Both tree´s and my h2b came along for the quiz. The pub was packed!