• Svar på tråden Engelska brudar 2
  • tree

    hi girls!
    working at mora today so not had internet access... imagine!... just managed to pop on quickly... i'll answer all questions soon...

    company is called Scanlog (scandlog?) and is situated in Tumba

    quiz was great fun, no idea how we did though becasue we were too tired to wait to hear the answers! hehe

  • f2b

    Hi Hanban, thanks.

    I live west of London. Close enough to go in for the day, but far enough to get away from the worst hustle and bustle.

    When do you get married?

  • Hanban

    Hi there F2B

    Sounds good being just out of London and can get away from all the chaos!
    We marry August 11th, when is your big day? Where are you from in Sweden and how come you ended up in London...I would choose sverige over the UK anytime!

    Tree- hehe, know what you mean, sometimes we couldnt be bothered to wait for the answers either! can drag on a bit too long with the quiz master going through every question and answer!

  • Nattson

    Good morning

    Yesterday we made the final changes to the text for the invitations. It looks like we will be able to send them out in the beginning of next week. It´s going to be so exciting!! We will go over the guest list one last time and then they can be sent :)

  • tree

    NuÄrDetDags (snart Mrs. 170307)
    u have mail coming!

  • NuÄrDetDags (snart Mrs. 170307)

    tree: You are a superduperstar (you have mail coming too )!

  • Speckledust

    Hi ladies,

    What grotty weather here in Stockholm today! I'm hoping it's a bit better in the UK as we're flying there tonight for the weekend!

    So Nuärdetdags are you all set for next Saturday? Feeling nervous yet? Will you be going on your honeymoon straight away or will you wait a few days/weeks? Your last weekend as an unmarried lady! Hope you enjoy it

    We had a meeting with the guy in charge of the location where we are marrying & having the reception & now we start encountering the problems Having trouble with the wedding cake at the moment. They won't allow us to bring our own cake, which H2B's mum is making in the UK. She makes wedding cakes & we've already planned it all. We've told them that no matter what we will be bringing our own cake! We've decided to keep the cake that they include in the package & we'll serve our own cake ourselves, so we'll have 2 cakes instead of one Also need to talk to the priest now as the guy co-ordinating everything assumed we were members of the Swedish church, or rather thought we belonged to the church of England, which we don't, so it looks like we'll have to book a borgerlig service instead now. In the UK it's not a problem to get married in a church if you are not a member of the church, but here it seems to be a big no, no. Not a problem at all for us to have a borgerlig service but it's something we need to re-arrange ASAP, as priest was already booked!!

    What problems have you others encountered so far?

  • NuÄrDetDags (snart Mrs. 170307)


    Well, my last weekend as unmarried lady I will probably spend with printing, cutting, gluing, wrapping,...
    Can't say I am nervous - but extremely tired. Don't think I am not sleeping enough but I have so many things going on in my mind (about calls to make, programs to write, play lists that need to be set up, things that still need to be bought and/or picked up, the house needs a proper, proper cleaning before the guests arrive, aaaah, go to the hair dresser and the dentist,..., yuk!). And then there is 'normal' work that wants to be finished, the cats want attention (not to mention h2b... )!

    Yesterday I had a bridal make up done (a trial of course ). Gee, I looked gorgeous! I never wear makeup and thought it would be strange but it felt (and looked) good. H2b was so delighted; he couldn't stop starring at me (he was smiling at the same time, so it was ok).

    We will probably go on the proper honeymoon when we have moved to the new house, end of May maybe, or June. We will have a wedding weekend though. For the weekend after the wedding (Friday to Monday) we have booked a super duper suite in Gothenburg with 'special treatment'. We have also booked a casino package for one evening as h2b wants to see that (and I am happy he didn't suggest the motor show).

    But it sounds like you are having stress, too...! I can understand that they don't want people bringing their own alcohol and stuff but a cake?! That's just stupid... And I guess joining the Swedish Church (or the English) is not an option then? I haven't got a clue how these things work but maybe it would be easier/quicker...?

    The only problem -well, at least at the moment, if we had any other major problems I have forgotten them by now - is that we are getting married in 9 days and we don't have a single candle holder!! Originally I wanted candelabra but with the amount we need we would have to declare ourselves bankrupt and now I feel I have been everywhere to find single, not too ugly and cheap candle holders - it is not possible. I am already considering doing them myself - I just don't know how.

  • 4:e Maj

    Nice and sunny here in London!

  • Hanban

    Hi girls...

    nice and sunny here too in Leeds, just a shame have to be stuck in an office with the blinds drawn (reflects on the computer screen!)

    Roll on weekend! whats everyone up to?

Svar på tråden Engelska brudar 2