Engelska brudar 2
Just noticed that the other thread has been closed... Great...
Hope you all find the way to this one!
The old thread:
Just noticed that the other thread has been closed... Great...
Hope you all find the way to this one!
The old thread:
NuÄrDetDags (snart Mrs. 170307)
the smallest petticoat could of course be in inches... but then i would presume that both meaurements had the same units and the bigger one would then be HUGE!!
how's it gone with the festprograms? all done now? and the hair extensions?!! how did J manage as a hairdresser?
we had a go at our vigsel program... even did a test run and it looks sooo ncie! the content of course is subject to change btut eh designwas super! really pleased with it... m2b even helped!
grandparents say they r not coming becasue of (i) the journey (the live in spain) (ii) scared to meet people (what?!! the moved to spain 20 years ago and are social butterflies!)... and of course money... hmm... none of them satisfying answers really but oh well.. the answer is definately a no!
how did it go recruiting yorutoastmasters?
how did the car boot sale go? did u rasie enough cash for your wedding shoes?!!
Hehe, then Nattson, no Rolls Royce if you pick the huge peticoat, then you should rather rent a lorry.
The fest programs are getting there. I was so excited as I found out that my printer can print on 300 g paper ? now the cover is really heavy and 'book like'! Unfortunately the colour is not exactly what I wanted but it is still ok and I can't be bothered running around looking for a perfect beige tint.
It is still not clear how his qualities as a hair dresser are ? as the weather was so nice yesterday, we decided to go into the forest and collect fir cones, stones and twigs for the forest decoration theme.
Today I will, beside the printing stuff, make about 137 phone calls to check that everything is ok for Saturday. There better be no one that has double booked or fallen ill. The hair experiment will probably have to wait til Wednesday (and then my bride's maid is here) as I have to pick up h2b's trousers and ring tomorrow (while he is cleaning the house, so that's a good deal ).
Some people get strange with age (I see that on my dad, the nugget), maybe it is the same with your grandparents? I also had a 'funny' guest experience yesterday as one of my friends in Germany called and asked for advice on her new computer. Some weeks ago she told us she can't come to the wedding because of money and now she has a brand new computer? I know, it is not up to me to decide what people spend their money on, definitely not, but as I was really disappointed I couldn't help feeling a bit, hm, annoyed. I helped her without commenting though.
So, back to (wedding) work!
Have a good week all of you!
I have just e-mailed the bridal shop and asked re the measurements. I think that they are in cm otherwise as you both say it´s going to be huge! ha ha If I buy it i´m going for the smaler one. I really whant to fit in the Rolls Royce my brother as hired for us
NuÄrDetDags (snart Mrs. 170307) Are all the festprograms printed?
We have recruted the second toasmaster!! You should have seen his face his jaw droped and then he just blurted out: Yes!! thank you for asking!
Nattson: No! I have run out of paper!
But at least ALL 'Order of Service' scrolls are written (in three different languages) and printed, the guest book sheets are printed, the flower seed bags are printed, the 'thank you' scrolls for registrar, photographer... are printed! Hm, I must have forgotten something...
But I still have a spare ink cartridge left.
Good that you mention the Rolls Royce - still haven't got a written confirmation from our rental service. He will be the next one to call, even before Emmerdale.
i must have missed a message somewhere! what s super thing for your brother to do!... do u know where he is renting from?... maybe we have the same car!! cool!
super news about the toastmaster!
NuÄrDetDags (snart Mrs. 170307)
after emmerdsale... time to nip out for some paper then?!!
tree: Na, as relaxed as I am I will do that tomorrow when I pick up Jon's trousers and ring. Is not as if there is nothing else to do.
Good job I called the Rolls Royce rental thing: they had written down completely wrong details! The driver wanted to go to a different hotel at a time after the ceremony!! Well, hopefully everything is sorted now.
NuÄrDetDags (snart Mrs. 170307) The wrong details, my god! Good job you called them!
Tree, my brother is a member of a reacing team and he knows somebody that owns a Rolls Royce. So it´s not from a renting company.
oohh lucky u!!!
Hi there again,
Does anyone of you know where it's cheapest to buy diamond rings - in Sweden or in London? My first thought was that rings should definitely be cheaper in Sweden, but I'm not sure anymore. And it seems that it's nearly impossible to find a three stone ring here...
Can anyone help me? :) Where have you bought your diamond rings?