• Svar på tråden Engelska brudar 2
  • 4:e Maj


    Mum and I have also payed the desposit and signed the papers on a house for me and my sister to use when in Sweden, it's so exciting.

    There is now less than 4 weeks to our wedding and most things seems to be sorted, just the finishing touches left. Any hymns to recomend where the music in the same in Swedish and Englisih? Have e-mailed the organist but not heard from him yet.

  • tree

    we just came back from yassuragi today. we had a such a wonderful time. it was so relaxing and calming. perfect quality time together, and excellant food once again! wonderful.

    4:e Maj
    wow! 4 weeks left! i bet u can hardly wait! i'm getting impateint already and i have 4 months left to go! hahaha
    very exciting that you ahve finally found a summer house too! weren't u looking in skåne? where is THE house?

    kul that u have decided on the wedding music. we have decided on the solo songs but not the ingång and utgång. i was thinking of 'here comes the bride'... which was is that? mandelssohn? hmm... i have to fidn the music soon adn send it to my freind who will play it on the flute for us! one more thing to do... it seems that the list is never ending...so many details!... i think the stress i stsarting to get to me!... i woke up with a cold sore this morning on my lip! only had that twice before... hhmm.. oh well.. 7 -10 days of a sore lip then.

    Mrs. 170307
    wow! your house is huge! we looked at a few that were 150kvm and decided they were to big for us! too much cleaning required! haha.. but then neither of us work from home so i can imagine that youäd need rather a bit mroe space than the typical couple. congrats!

  • 4:e Maj

    The house is just outside Kopparberg i Bergslagen, 50 min fran Orebro, and 200kvm+ with view of the lake from all rooms but 2 (total 6 rooms). It's on 2 plots of land so we are planning to build a double garage with guest facilities above - exciting stuff!

    Started with the seating plan last night and was done in less than 1 hour, quite surprised it wasn't more difficult than than - maybe I've missed something. Decided in the end to keep the english couples together and slip the swedes and have that way hopefully please everyone. Going for an interiview at the council tomorrow to get a marriage licence.
    Also got a long 'to-do' list but it's mostely little things.

  • tree

    4:e Maj
    wow it sounds huge! and quite a project!

    do u ahve yoru marriage lisence yet? it's soon time to apply for hindersprovning here!... if i wait till the beginning of may, i've been here 2 years then i cna apply fro a regular hindersprovning i think and not have to go to the embassy...

  • 4:e Maj

    We have an appointment at the town hall regarding the marriage licence today and it should be ready for collection 25/04 as the church wants it a week before.

  • Mrs. 170307

    Tree: Yes, it is quite huge but as you say, we spend almost 24/7 in the house and even if we have survived on the 90 kvm we have now we won't mind having 180 (and as my mum is the owner we pay less than half the rent, compared to now ).

    The cleaning will probably be a problem. In Germany I had a nice cleaning lady that came once per week to clean the bathrooms and floors (and the windows once a month). Maybe we should look for something like that here too, even though it seems to be more unusual here than in Germany? We'll see.

    J will get Canal+ in the new house (to the Viasat package we have now), so then he can watch both Champions and Premier League ? THAT is what he is looking forward to.

    My advice: wait with the Hindersprövning til May. It is not as if the embassy is much to see, not even a picture of the queen.

    4:e Maj: Wow, not long to go now!! I also thought I had the seating arrangement done in 15 minutes, but as I looked closer everything was 'wrong' and it took me another 3 hours.

    Ups, have to go. Have to let in the technician in the new house so that he can install telephone. Read you all later!

  • 4:e Maj

    Just been to the council to register notice of marriage which was basically to give them our names, address, date of birth, when and where we are getting married. The whole thing took 20 minutes and costed £60! A rip-off if you ask me.

  • tree

    yeah that cost alot! congrats on that stage!

  • Nattson

    Tree how did it go with the cakes? Did he/she have any good suggestions?
    We rescheduled our appointment as my m2b had to work :(

    4:e maj One more thing you can cross of the "to do list" They really know how to charge for these things...

Svar på tråden Engelska brudar 2