• Svar på tråden Engelska brudar 2
  • MrsH2b

    Mrs. 170307:
    Thank you so much! that would be great if you could...my email is: erika_johansson88@yahoo.com

    Your website is fab!! Its just like how i would want mine, simple, informative and fun!!Im in the middle of trying to get someone to help me with one too (since im useless with comps) but so far have had no luck but ive still got a few options.

    Were not getting married until the 16th of Feb 2008, In Ornskoldsvik....so ive still got plenty of time...But MAN there is some organizing involved!!! Especially with people travelling in from everywhere :) My aim is to get the website done before the invitations are going out. Although at the moment im enjoying a glass of rose on the terasse in the South of France and am not gotting much work done...But Hey! a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do! :)

  • tree

    welcome MrsH2b!

    i'm just printing the last of my invites so i can add my text here! we alaso wanted an informal invites... we shose to write first names only for us and our guests..

    We are getting married!


    As our good friends we,
    Olof and Terri,
    invite you to join us on our wedding day to
    witness us begin our life together as man and wife.
    Saturday 18th August 2007 at 15:30
    Ulfsunda Slott, Stockholm.
    The reception will follow thereafter at the same location.

    RSVP/OSA no later than 3rd June 2007
    Please RSVP/OSA using this PIN number on our website

    or by calling 'parents' on
    0046 xxxxxxx

  • MrsH2b

    Cheers tree!
    Im feeling all inspired now having read through your website aswell. My hubby is currently out at sea and although hes just as enthusiastic as i am, im going to be doing alot of this organizing on my own for the next few months while hes working so no doubt ill be turning to you guys for advice when needed so hope you can put up with me! :)

  • MrsH2b

    auhmmm...hubby2b that was supposed to be! Oops!

  • tree

    slip of the tounge ej! r u swedish?

    we're all here for eachother... our m2b are all helpful it seems to varying degrees!

  • Mrs. 170307

    Hehe, "varying degrees", how true...

  • MrsH2b

    true indeed...yeah im swedish.

  • mommy2e


    I join here now....
    I'm Swedish but I will be marrying an Englishman in England in less than 3 weeks!

  • mommy2e


    I am a Mrs H 2 b as well. H as in Holland. May I ask what your H is?

  • tree

    welcome mommy2e!

    so where r u living? england?

    i am english living in stockholm with my swedish m2b. we've been togther more than 5 years, living in sweden 2 years and are going to marry in sweden on august 18th!

Svar på tråden Engelska brudar 2