Engelska brudar 2
Just noticed that the other thread has been closed... Great...
Hope you all find the way to this one!
The old thread:
Just noticed that the other thread has been closed... Great...
Hope you all find the way to this one!
The old thread:
everybodu is so helpful here!
mommy2e, please do send me his number... i may well need it!
tiresome time coming with a nealry walking child... all that bending over holding their hands... oh dear, i foresee a back ache coming on!
italy for 2 weeks sounds lovely! where will u go? tuscany?
3 nights in Venice, then 1 week in a villa in the country side outside Florence, then 3 nights in Rome. Am very much looking forward to it!
Hi there, I thought I might joint you guys - Im Swedish but will be marrying my Englishman in September next year. Living just outside London at the mo but will be moving back to Stockholm in August... Need I say more than that my husband to be is a bit scared about not understanding the language? Bless him, he tries to learn through... So girls, how did you get on learning the lingo?? Was it hard? Did you know it before you moved or as you went along?
Here's the guys website:
I think he mostly does studio shoots but Im sure he's done weddings too.
Hi saragran and welcome!
My husband has been here in Sweden now for 1 year and 10 days. His Swedish vocabulary consists of maybe 30 words but he is getting better and better on picking up what is being talked about, not what is being said though.
Well, but he has not put too much effort in learning the language. Everyone just loves practicing his English on him, TV is in English, he only work with English customers,... I am sure yoru husband will be fine here!
tree: Good luck with finding a new photographer! Seem as if you have got some options already!
Hi all!
Sorry, havent been on here for a while...hope you are all well and that Tree, you have managed to find a new photographer....I will dig out some links too from my wedding file for you....
Still trying with our move to sthlm this year....snap with you saragran.....hi there by the way! Where are you looking to move to in the sthlm area?
hope all is well for eveyone...nearly the weekend now!
tack... men länken funker inte!
det måste har varit nåt fel med min konnection.. funker nu!
wow! i just read about your engagement! wonderful...
tree: Thanks it really was amazing! And whenever i feel like ive got the most "machowannabeunromantic" man in the world i think back on it aswell as i know hes the biggest softy deep down....hihihi