• tree

    Engelska bruda?

    Are there any other english brides to be out there planning their wedding to swedish men?

    I'd love to hear from you!

    Where are you living and what is the magical date?

    Stockholm, 18th August 07 for us!

  • Svar på tråden Engelska bruda?
  • tree

    future mrs B
    thats a very cute dress! and a bargain price! well done!

    Miss Em
    that should bring us all some comfort, thanks!

  • NuÄrDetDags

    future mrs B: Top dress and a top price!! The price doesn't sound awful at all - it sounds perfect!

    Miss Em: Yes isn't it strange? One would think moving to/from Sweden to/from England wouldn't be that of a cultural shock - but they have some weird things on that Island... :D
    My mum cried tears as my h2b told her the guests aren't allowed to eat the wedding cake but should take a piece to eat at home.

  • NuÄrDetDags

    "cried tears", obviously I meant she laughed tears.... :D

  • Miss Em


    That cake!!
    So different ways of doing things.
    I went through the effort of getting something like an english cake. paid a "premium" price compared to sweden to have a cake made by an american girl with frosting.
    And what happened...the venue separated the tiers before anyone got to see it and threw out the remian as they thought its been out too long. As we all know, it keeps quite well underneath the icing.

    but nevermind.....by that point the snaps had worked its magic on the gusts who proably couldn't care less

  • NuÄrDetDags

    First we didn't want a wedding cake at all, thought of only having some small creme cakes and coffee/tea as dessert.

    Well, then my h2b from one day to the other decided "but THAT is not traditional, we can't do THAT" so I thought, ok then, we both love chocolate, let's get a fancy chocolate wedding cake.

    "What? Chocolate?! In a wedding cake?! Are you pulling my leg? No, that is not a traditional wedding cake!"
    This is still not sorted. :D At the moment he has agreed to Swedish Princesstårta because he really likes it and it is without chocolate :D. It has to be white though, not green or pink...

    And regarding the snaps, we will only serve wine and lager (and non alcoholics of course). My h2b can't drink booze (well, he can drink it but it doesn't agree with him) so I don't see the point in having it on our wedding.

  • Hanban

    Hi gals!
    We are an English couple, though marrying in Stockholm! I used to live there!

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Hej Hanban! Are you both English?

  • Hanban

    Hi NuÄrDetDags

    Yep, we are both English. I lived in Sthlm for 8 years or so though, parents are still out there....

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Ah, so that's why you get married in Sweden then.

    Why on earth are you all located in or near Stockholm?!

  • Miss Em


    If we didn't have to go over to Sweden so early we would probably have gotten some fruit- and spongecake from M&S and decorated ourselves.
    It seemed like a good compromise until we realised that the sponge only kept for 5 days and we flew over 8 days before the wedding and so did many of the british guests

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