Engelska bruda?
Are there any other english brides to be out there planning their wedding to swedish men?
I'd love to hear from you!
Where are you living and what is the magical date?
Stockholm, 18th August 07 for us!
Are there any other english brides to be out there planning their wedding to swedish men?
I'd love to hear from you!
Where are you living and what is the magical date?
Stockholm, 18th August 07 for us!
Hehe, yep, can understand that. But I found out in Sthlm, that sometimes you have to do these things to meet other Brits! Can be lonley there! My best mate/bridesmaid is 29 and lives in Sthlm, she doesnt know so many brits at the mo either, most of us moved away a few years back.
Lovely dress by the way!! Cant wait to get mine!
that sounds cool... next tues or wed works well for me... i am meeting some other brides at gondolen on thursday for an after work beer if you'd like to join us there! they are all swedish with swedish men though so i ahve to speak swedish! boo hoo
ok, will see what I can do when I get home...
i know what you mean about distracting! perhpas tomorrow we should agree to only chat in the afternoon or something so at least we cna do half a days focussed work first! hehe
i actually got quite a bit done before this last hour!...
future mrs B
look forward to seeing it!
i just tried tried on my wedding dress! i couldn't resist! i managed a whole 2 weeks since i got it here!
Hehe, I bet you only managed the two weeks because you usually don't work from home.
i know! hahaha
he he Treei thats so funny! But what if someone rang the bell? Would you open the door in your wedding dress? I will proberly do the same - try it on every now and then when i get my dress.
I´m free on thursday! What time are you going to meet them?
i wouldn't answer the door! no way!
no time set yet... usually at 1800 - 1830... we could meet a bit before hand though if you want? you can follow the decision process here... www.brollopstorget.se/Forum-1-21/m1899398.html