• tree

    Engelska bruda?

    Are there any other english brides to be out there planning their wedding to swedish men?

    I'd love to hear from you!

    Where are you living and what is the magical date?

    Stockholm, 18th August 07 for us!

  • Svar på tråden Engelska bruda?
  • tree

    morning ervyone! welcome back 4:e maj!

    congrats with the job offer... it must be ncie to know you always have that option if u decide to go to the UK.

    i quite agree with 4:e Maj, fruit cake is disgusting! we also plan to have princess cake i think! it's delicious,... and it's not too heavy either to eat after a 3 course meal!

    I'm at home again today but not working... i am sick! ;-( boo hoo... terribel head cold... my head feels like it might explode! i've spent the morning in bed watching a movie... finally got myself up now though and had a lemsip!

  • tree

    and me and m2b were supposed to have a romantic dinner for two today at restaurangen... i'll see how i feel later today before i cancel the reservation though...

  • Nattson

    Terri, I work until five. Are you sure the others won´t mind? Do you want to meet up and eat something before we go to Gondolen?

  • Nattson

    Terri, hope you feel better soon so that you can go to the dinner!

  • future mrs B

    oh no sorry to hear your are poorly, hopefully you feel better tonight.

  • tree

    thank you everybody for your well wishes! i am resting at home working our the wedding webpage. i am using the site NuÄrDetDags reccommended www.weddingannouncer.com it's very easy and looks great!

    it is a case of the more the merrier I am sure! I only joined them 2 fika ago and they are very welcoming. Dinner before hand sounds nice though, I am usually starving by the time we leave! I guess we have about an hour so it needs to be somewhere quick... do you have any ideas?

  • tree

    m2b just called. we decided to cancel the dinner and save it for a night where we will appreciate it more!
    we can cuddle up on the sofa after a takeaway instead!

  • NuÄrDetDags

    Just got back from the hairdresser, now my h2b is happy with me again. :D It is strange, actually no man has ever told me "to cut off my hair because it gets too long" - must be an English thing. :)

    terri, you have definitely chosen the wrong day to feel poorly. Did you forget about the dinner today...? No, I am sorry to hear you're not fit - it is probably the best to cancel the reservation and to try it again next week or so. Otherwise you can't enjoy it as you should (with a sore head and a dripping nose)...

  • tree

    actually i have never had a man tell me to chop my hair either... but then i've only had 1 english boyfriend so i couldn't say if it's an english thing! maybe your m2b is just the first one who cares enough to say it... or the first honest enough!

  • tree

    had enough working on the website for now... might start looking into the wedding invitation text... we will some in english and some in swedish... have u all decided your yet?

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